Investigation of the molecular switching process between spin crossover states of triazole complexes as basis for optical sensing applications

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Günther, A.; Deja, Y.; Kilic, M.; Tran, K.; Kotra, P. et al.: Investigation of the molecular switching process between spin crossover states of triazole complexes as basis for optical sensing applications. In: Scientific Reports 14 (2024), 5897. DOI:

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With the advent of the first laser sources and suitable detectors, optical sensor applications immediately also came into focus. During the last decades, a huge variety of optical sensor concepts were developed, yet the forecast for the future application potential appears even larger. In this context, the development of new sensor probes at different scales down to the atomic or molecular level open new avenues for research and development. We investigated an iron based triazole molecular spin-crossover complex changing its absorption characteristics significantly by varying environmental parameters such as humidity, temperature, magnetic or electric field, respectively, with respect to its suitability for a new class of versatile molecular sensor probes. Hereby, besides the investigation of synthesized pure bulk material using different analyzing methods, we also studied amorphous micro particles which were applied in or onto optical waveguide structures. We found that significant changes of the reflection spectra can also be obtained after combining the particles with different types of optical waveguides.The obtained results demonstrate the suitability of the material complex for a broad field of future sensor applications.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2024
Appears in Collections:Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

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