Collaborative and Cross-Stakeholder Ontology Engineering

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Khan, F.; Engel, F.; Krdzavac, N.; Auer, S.: Collaborative and Cross-Stakeholder Ontology Engineering. In: Arndt, Natanael; Gründer-Fahrer, Sabine; Holze, Julia; Martin, Michael ; Tramp, Sebastian (Eds.): D2R2 2022: Data-driven Resilience Research 2022 : proceedings of the International Workshop on Data-driven Resilience Research 2022, co-located with Data Week Leipzig 2022 (DATAWEEK 2022). Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2023 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3376), 11.

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Kleine Vorschau
One of the major challenges in developing ontologies is to efficiently merge domain knowledge and expert knowledge to enable efficient and effective work on formal modelling of the domain in focus. This paper outlines the current state of developments in the Semantically Connected Semiconductor Supply Chains (SC3) project and its application in the BMBF-funded Cognitive Economy Intelligence Platform for Economic Ecosystem Resilience (CoyPu) project. We are using the SC3 Ontology Platform in CoyPu to promote effective information sharing among the various stakeholders in the development of the ontology. Thus, the application of SC3 Ontology Platform is used to ensure that the knowledge of non-knowledge workers (domain experts) and knowledge workers come together efficiently. Thispaper first introduces the CoyPu project and the current ontology development; then the SC3 Ontology Platform and its main components are presented. The paper concludes with the analysis of a first usability evaluation.
Lizenzbestimmungen: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Publikationstyp: BookPart
Publikationsstatus: publishedVersion
Erstveröffentlichung: 2023
Die Publikation erscheint in Sammlung(en):Zentrale Einrichtungen

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3 image of flag of Italy Italy 1 4,17%
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