Influence of the atmosphere and temperature on the properties of the oxygen-affine bonding system titanium-diamond during sintering

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Denkena, B.; Bergmann, B.; Fromm, A.; Klose, C.; Hansen, N.: Influence of the atmosphere and temperature on the properties of the oxygen-affine bonding system titanium-diamond during sintering. In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 120 (2022), Nr. 11-12, S. 7187-7196. DOI:

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Grinding tools can be manufactured from metal, vitrified, and resin bond materials. In combination with superabrasives like diamond grains, metal-bonded tools are used in a wide range of applications. The main advantages of metal over vitrified and resin bonds are high grain retention forces and high thermal conductivity. This paper investigates the influence of the atmosphere and manufacturing parameters such as sintering temperature on the properties of titanium-bonded grinding layers. Titanium is an active bond material, which can increase the retention of diamond grains in metal-bonded grinding layers. This can lead to higher bond stress and, consequently, decreased wear of grinding tools in use when compared to other commonly used bond materials like bronze. The reason for this is the adhesive bond between titanium and diamond due to the formation of carbides in the interface, whereas bronze can only form a mechanical cohesion with diamond grains. However, when using oxygen-affine metals such as titanium, oxidizing effects could limit the strength of the bond due to insufficient adhesion between Ti-powder particles and the prevention of carbide formation. The purpose of this paper is to show the influence of the sintering atmosphere and temperature on the properties of titanium-bonded diamond grinding layers using the mechanical and thermal characterization of specimens. A higher vacuum (Δpatm = − 75 mbar) reduces the oxidation of titanium particles during sintering, which leads to higher critical bond stress (+ 38% @ Ts = 900 °C) and higher thermal conductivity (+ 3.4% @Ts = 1000 °C, Ta = 25 °C). X-ray diffraction measurements could show the formation of carbides in the cross-section of specimens, which also has a positive effect on the critical bond stress due to an adhesive bond between titanium and diamond.
Lizenzbestimmungen: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Publikationstyp: Article
Publikationsstatus: publishedVersion
Erstveröffentlichung: 2022
Die Publikation erscheint in Sammlung(en):Fakultät für Maschinenbau

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