Calculations of electromagnetic fields in longitudinal irregular TEM-cells

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Pham, H.T.; Tüting, K.; Garbe, H.: Calculations of electromagnetic fields in longitudinal irregular TEM-cells. In: Advances in radio science : Kleinheubacher Berichte 19 (2021), S. 49-57. DOI:

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TEM-cells can be used as a standardized field generator for field probe calibration purposes or electromagnetic compatibility measurements. Because of its practical use as a measurement environment, the electromagnetic behavior over a broad range of frequencies is essential. However, without the understanding of wave reflection, mode-conversion, and attenuation, using such a measurement environment is impractical. In this contribution, we calculate the electromagnetic fields in a longitudinal irregular coaxial TEM-cell. Using a semi-analytical approach, we can determine these wave characteristics. The method is based on the projection of Maxwell's equations onto eigenfunctions. This work's primary objective is to examine the effect of irregular deformed boundaries on the electromagnetic field and the resonance frequencies.
License of this version: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Document Type: Article
Publishing status: publishedVersion
Issue Date: 2021
Appears in Collections:Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informatik

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