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Haupka, N.; Schröer, C.; Hauschke, C.: Are Conference Posters Being Cited? In: Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 6 (2021), 766552. DOI:

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Summe der Downloads: 136

Kleine Vorschau
We present a small case study on citations of conference posters using poster collections from both Figshare and Zenodo. The study takes into account the years 2016–2020 according to the dates of publication on the platforms. Citation data was taken from DataCite, Crossref and Dimensions. Primarily, we want to know to what extent scientific posters are being cited and thereby which impact posters potentially have on the scholarly landscape and especially on academic publications. Our data-driven analysis reveals that posters are rarely cited. Citations could only be found for 1% of the posters in our dataset. A limitation in this study however is that the impact of academic posters was not measured empirical but rather descriptive.
Lizenzbestimmungen: CC BY 4.0 Unported
Publikationstyp: Article
Publikationsstatus: publishedVersion
Erstveröffentlichung: 2021-11-26
Die Publikation erscheint in Sammlung(en):Zentrale Einrichtungen

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